friday nov 8
7:00 - 8:00 PM
Registration and ticket table open
8:00 - 10:00 PM
Public Gathering at a TBA location. There will be a round robin square dance, jamming and socializing. Drinks and Hugs
10:00PM until late
HOUSEPARTY!! For Registered Participants
saturday nov 9
SHRINE SOCIAL CLUB Registration / Coffee, Tea, Breakfast
Guest caller Susan Michael's Orientation // Music by The Horsenecks
11:15-11:30AM - BREAK
11:30AM - 12:45PM
Guest caller Phil Jamison's Orientation // Music by Big Chimney Barn Dance
12:45 - 1:30PM - LUNCH (provided)
1:30 - 3:30PM
Calling 101 Workshop
Experienced caller workshop
Stringband Workshop
3:30 - 3:45PM - BREAK
3:45 - 4:30PM
Practice calling in Small Groups w/ Support More workshops TbA soon
4:30 - 6:00PM
Dance workshop (Everyone) - music by TBA.
6:00 - 8:00PM
DINNER ON YOUR OWN/ set up for Evening Public Dance
8:00 - 11:00PM
Public Dance: Calling by TBA Music by TBA
11:00PM until late
HOUSEPARTY!! For Registered Participants
sunday nov 10
9:00 -10:30AM
SHRINE SOCIAL CLUB Breakfast / Social discussion about inclusion
10:30 10:45AM - BREAK
10:45AM - 12:15PM
Calling 101 Workshop Part 2
Experienced caller workshop Part 2
Stringband workshop part 2
12:15-1:00PM - LUNCH (provided)
1:00 - 2:45PM
Calling 101 Workshop Part 3
Experienced caller workshop Part 3
More Workshops tba
2:45 - 3:00PM - BREAK
3:00 - 3:45PM
Discussion Panel & Session: Practice calling in Small Groups w/ Support Jamming
3:45 - 4:00PM - BREAK
4:00 - 5:00PM
Culminary Dance Workshop
5:00 - 7:00PM
DINNER ON YOUR OWN/ set up for Evening Public Dance
7:00 - 9:30PM
Public Dance: Calling by TBA Music by TBA
9:30 PM
HOUSEPARTY!! For Registered Participants